Satelec Newtron LED Upgrade Kit
Product code: OAA-140
Pack details: Each
Manufacturer: Satelec Acteon
The Newtron handpiece that connects to piezoelectric ultrasonic generators is intended for dental procedures using SATELEC tips.
The Newtron upgrade kit is a replacement for the discontinued LUX handpiece users.
The kit contains :
- Satelec Newtron LED Handpiece
- Satelec Newtron LED Cord
Technology : piezolelectric transducer
Characteristics :
Frequency of vibration : 28Khz à 36 Khz
Displacement : inf. to 200µm (depending on settings and inserts)
Flow of irrigation : from 0 to 40 ml/min (nominal)
Lenght : 100 mm - Diameter : 18 mm max
Weight : 52 g
Temperatures :
Operation : +10C à +40°C
Storage : -20 à +70°C
Humidity :
Operation : 30% à 75%
Storage : 10% to 100% condensation including