Satelec IRRISAFE Passive Ultrasonic Irrigation
IRR 20-21
Product code: OAC-121
Pack details: Pack of 4
Manufacturer: Satelec Acteon
The Ultrasonic revolution in Passive Irrigation
- Non cutting instruments with parallel flutes respectful of the root canal anatomy
- Minimally invasive protocol
F43807 IRR 20-21 mm x 4
F43808 IRR 20-25 mm x 4
F43805 IRR 25-21 mm x 4
F43806 IRR 25-25 mm x 4
- Efficient cleaning and disinfection of the root canal.
- Very efficient removal of dentinal debris, pulp tissue and bacteria.
- More efficient irrigant
- The shape improves micro-streaming and micro-cavitation in fluids.
- Non cutting rounded end prevents damaging the apical constriction
Clinical applications:
- Designed for the safe removal of smear layer, dentine debris and bacteria from the root canal
- Used during Passive Ultrasonic Irrigation (PUI) with Sodium Hypochlorite.
- Irrigation of the entire root canal, especially in the apical area
- PUI improves the sealing of a root canal filling
- 3 x 1 minute irrigation at the end of the root canal preparation.
- Irrisafe is inserted 1-2 mm short of the working-length.
- Irrisafe must vibrate freely in the apical area.
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