ProxyMate System
Intro Pack Single / Double Sided
Product code: QFG-010
Pack details: Each
Manufacturer: Unodent
- Overhanging dental restorations are a major dental health problem.
- An overhanging margin may promote plaque accumulation and cause difficulties in cleaning interproximal spaces and this can lead to periodontal disease and carious lesions.
- ProxyMate is an innovative breakthrough in restorative dentistry featuring an adjustable handle to lock curvatures into place for maximum precision, patient safety and minimal fatigue.
- Ideal for proximal contact adjustment, marginal crown seating, veneers, onlays and proximal contouring of composite fillings.
- ProxyMate is also indicated for `interproximal reduction` (IPR) - also known as interdental enamel reduction, slenderising, stripping, selective enamel reduction and enamel reproximation.
ProxyMate Single / Double Sided Intro Kit: 10 strips (single and double-sided, variety of grits), 2 handles.
ProxyMate Single Sided Intro Kit: 10 strips (single sided, variety of grits), 2 handles.
ProxyMate Double Sided Intro Kit. 10 strips (double sided, variety of grits), 2 handles.
ProxyMate Refill Packs: 10 strips, 2 handles.
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