Load Check Testing
Soil Strips
Product code: FVU-010
Pack details: Pack of 12
Manufacturer: Isopharm
For performing the HTM 01-05 Cleaning Efficacy Test and Manufacturer Soil Tests.
Supplied as a starter kit or separate test strips.
How this product helps you comply with HTM 01-05 (2013 Edition)
- HTM 01-05 has cleaning efficacy test as a Daily and Quarterly requirement, however there is a difference in how they are performed. Daily cleaning efficacy is a visual check that requires the use of inspection magnification lamp. Quarterly cleaning efficacy requires a test soil such as the product listed on this page. (HTM 01-05 2013 edition. Section 13.3 Washer Disinfector. Section 14.3 Ultrasonic Cleaners) Some manufacturer`s recommend the quarterly test method, with use of a test soil, is carried out more frequently. Please seek manufacturer`s advice on the quarterly cleaning efficacy test, or download for FREE a validation test schedule (VTS) on the Isopharm website.
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