Hero Shaper Files 25mm
4% Taper - Size 20
Product code: DWW-003
Pack details: Pack of 6
Manufacturer: Micro-Mega
Using HERO Shaper® for orthograde treatment has never been quicker and simpler. Conditions such as irreversible pulp pathology, pulpitis and necrosis are easily managed using the HERO Shaper® rotary nickel -titanium instruments at low speed.
HERO Shaper® files, with their pronounced tapers, are designed for use with the crown-down technique to progressively remove constraints and flare the canal. The coronal third is prepared using .06 taper HERO Shaper® files and the apical third is prepared using .04 taper HERO Shaper® files. The varying helical pitch and length of the cutting portion of the files provide them with an excellent combination of efficiency and flexibility.
Using continuously rotating HERO Shaper® files along the entire length of the root canals with circumferential filing optimises preparation. Cleaning is much more efficient because the progressive flaring of the canal as the instrument is introduced allows the irrigation needle to be inserted down to the apical third.
Regular, tapered preparations with the resulting enlargement of the apical zone (no.30 – .04 taper) facilitate the adjustment and insertion of the gutta-percha master cone. It also ensures that the root canal system is filled completely and tightly by condensation of the filling material.