Film & Sensor Holders
Hawe Endo-Bite Film Holder
Posterior with Ring (1792) x4
Product code: MSO-011
Pack details: Pack of 4
Manufacturer: Kerr
- Endo-Bite is a special film and phosphor plate holder for diagnostic X-rays of root canal instruments during root treatment, checks on root fillings and inserted pins and screws and for general use when the bite is blocked e.g. rubberdam clamps).
- The system includes two types of holder (anterior, green and posterior, red) for use in all four quadrants.
- Autoclavable at 134°C, at least 3 min.
Endo-Bite is also suitable for indirect digital systems. Compatible with all major brands of phosphor plate sensors.
Assorted Kit Contents: 2 Endo-Bite Anterior with ring, 2 Endo-Bite Posterior with ring, 2 Centring Device.