Gigasept FF
Product code: FJB-010
Pack details: 2 Litre
Manufacturer: Schulke & Mayr
High level disinfection solution for plastic and rubber items which cannot be sterilized using conventional methods.
- highly innovative formulation reducing Health and Safety risks
- effective against bacteria (inc. Tb), fungi and viruses (inc. HIV, HBV, HCV, Adeno & Polio virus) in 15 min and against spores in 5 hours at 10% dilution
- very economical, can be used for up to 14 days, unless heavily soiled
? Proven – excellent material compatibility
? Broad spectrum microbiological effectiveness
? Glutaraldehyde and formaldehyde free
? Formulation based on high quality succindioldehyde
? Diluted solution can be used for up to 16 days
? Concentrate makes 20 litres of in use solution
? CE marked in line with Medical Device Directive
Gigasept® FF is supplied as a concentrate which can be easily diluted to a 10% use – solution. No activation additives are necessary. When immersing the instruments care must be taken to ensure that all surfaces are covered. Immerse hollow objects so that air is completely driven out.