Epipen Auto-Injector
0.3mg (Epinephrine) Adult
Product code: XXF-020
Pack details: Each
Manufacturer: Meda Pharmaceuticals
Epipen Auto-Injector 0.3mg (Epinephrine) Adult
EpiPen® is easy, convenient to use:
Delivers adrenaline within the correct timeframe
Delivers the correct dose of adrenaline
Is robust and able to withstand ‘real-life’ use
Has an inspection window to check integrity of contents
Has needle protection which deploys immediately after administration
Its unique swing-action process offers reliable adrenaline delivery during the stress of an anaphylactic episode.
Special Conditions of Pharmaceutical Supply
Please note the following:
Pharmaceuticals will only be supplied on the instructions of a registered dental or medical practitioner quoting their GDC or GMC number.
Return of pharmaceuticals will only be accepted if there is:
a) an error in delivery.
b) the product was damaged in transit.
c) in response to a batch recall.