EDDY Endo Irrigation Tips
Product code: DGP-010
Pack details: 5 Packs of 2 Tips
Manufacturer: VDW Dental
Powerful irrigation with high frequency oscillation
Safe and forgiving handling.
Low risk of fatigue fracture of the tip
Polyamide tip is gentle on dentine
High cleaning efficiency
Thorough cleaning of isthmi and lateral canals, even in strongly curved canals and complex root canal anatomies
Effective acoustic streaming and cavitation thanks to the three-dimensional, high amplitude oscillation of the tip
Reliable removal of debris and residual tissue
Simple Workflow
Just one instrument size for all canal anatomies
Sterile packed, single-use product, no documentation of use necessary
Time-saving compared to using irrigation cannula alone
Ready to use
No additional equipment necessary with existing Airscaler
Simple to use, no training necessary
Supports application of sealer and calcium hydroxide as well as the removal of calcium hydroxide
5 blister packs of 2 Irrigation Tips, sterile REF 1441 000 000