Durelon Carboxylate Luting Cement
Powder 3 X 20g
Product code: JSK-010
Pack details: 3 x 20g Bottles
Manufacturer: 3M ESPE
- Simple technique requires no conditioning and no bonding agents for reduced chair time
- Thin film thickness
- Fluoride release
- Adhesion to both enamel and dentin for reduced microleakage
Carboxylate luting cement Durelon™ and Durelon™ fast setting in handmix version or in the Maxicap™ System from 3M ESPE.
Suggested Applications
- Permanent cementation of inlays, onlays, crown, and bridges made of
- Metal except titanium frameworks
- Porcelain-fused to metal
- Cavity lining
Intro Pack 38059 contents: 1 Powder Normal Setting 20 g, 4 Measuring Syringes Universal (13.3 ml), 1 Mixing Pad
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